Accredited Standards Committee C63

Subcommittee 5 – Immunity


Approved Minutes

April 28, 2004 at FCC Labs, Columbia, MD



Presiding S/C 5 Officer:  Ed Hare                             Date Prepared:  October 26, 2004

Subcommittee Secretary:  None present


Members Present: 

      Ed Hare, S/C 5 Chairman

      Jon Casamento

      Chrys Chrysanthou

      Don Heirman

      Victor Kuczynski

      Jeff Silberberg


Members Absent:

      Joe Morrissey, S/C 5 Secretary

       Herb Mertel

       Bill Scrivner


Guests Present:

      Werner Schaefer

      Dan Hoolihan

      Joel Schneider

      Dennis Camel

      John Lichtig

      Cecil Gittens

      Dheena Noongilan

      Bob Hofmann



1.   Call to Order


S/C 5 Chairman Ed Hare called the meeting to order at 1:30 PM.


2.   Approval of November 2002 Minutes and April Meeting Agenda


The agenda for the April 28, 2004 meeting was presented and approved. There were no minutes of the November 2002 meeting.


3.   Status of Document C63.24


The status of C63.24 was discussed briefly. The work on this document will continue after S/C 8 completes its revisions to C63.18. S/C 5 will continue to provide input and help with that document.  It was noted that few members of S/C 5 have provided S/C 8 with input to the document.


4.   Future work of S/C 5


A brief discussion about future work of S/C 5 resulted in a decision to review C63.12 and C63.15 and to assess what maintenance S/C 5 should do on those documents. Messrs. Schaeffer and Hare agreed to review C63.15 and provide a report to S/C 5.  Messrs. Heirman and Hofmann agreed to review C65.12 and provide a report to S/C 5.



5.   IEEE Web Site


Mr. Heirman gave the subcommittee a demonstration of the capabilities of the IEEE web site and the benefit of the purchase of the EMC compilation. Mr. Hare agreed to have ARRL fund the purchase of that compilation for the use of the S/C 5 chair.  It was noted that this did not give S/C 5 access to those documents.


6.   Membership


The committee membership was reviewed. Keith Peavler and Wayne Hunter were still on the membership list. They are no longer involved with C63, so they were removed.  Messrs. Hoolihan, Schaefer and Schneider indicated a willingness to become members of S/C 5. A motion was made and passed to recommend them for membership and for the Chair to prepare a list of S/C 5 members and to make a motion at the C63 meeting to approve the membership list.


7.   A brief discussion ensued about interference to telephone equipment and the differing interference potential between steady-state 1-kHz amplitude modulated signals and pulsed signals. It was agreed that this discussion would continue by email, with the long-term possibility of some S/C 5 activity as a result.


8.    Prior to the meeting, Dr. Morrissey had provided information that the RTCA SC2, an industry-advisory group to the FAA, is developing an EMI testing procedure with respect to the use of intentional emitters on airplanes. There was not time to discuss this at the subcommittee meeting, so the Chair will bring this up as an email discussion with the subcommittee members.


9.  The Need For S/C 5 to Meet Independently at C63 Meetings


S/C 5 had been scheduled to meet with S/C 8.  Each subcommittee has an independent charter and each needs in-person time to help it better focus on its goals.  It was agreed that S/C 5 needed an opportunity to meet on its own. Mr. Hare agreed to bring this to the Steering Committee for resolution.


10.  S/C 5 Email List and Working Web Page


After a brief discussion, Mr. Hare agreed to create a working subcommittee reflector at and a working web page.


11. Adjournment


There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 2:15 pm. 


Minutes Submitted by:

Ed Hare, S/C 5 Chairman