Accredited Standards Committee C63
Subcommittee 5 - Immunity
Approved Minutes
1. Opening and self introductions
Members Present:
Ed Hare - SC5 Chairman
Steve Berger
Chrys Chrysanthou
Don Heirman
Bob Hofmann
Dan Hoolihan
Victor Kuczynski
Werner Schaefer
Jeff Silberberg
SC5 Members not present:
Joe Morrissey - SC5 Secretary
Jon Casemento
Herb Mertel
2. SC/5 met at 1:15 PM on September 27,
2005. The meeting was chaired by the SC5
Chairman, Ed Hare. The SC5 Secretary did not attend,
so Jeff Silberberg served as acting Secretary.
3. The draft agenda was approved and adopted.
4. The minutes of the April 2005 meeting were
5. A verbal report of WG1, Office Equipment
Immunity, was given by Mr. Berger. A PINS to initiate the development of a document to cover
immunity levels and test methods of audio-based office equipment and
accessories used with wireless devices commonly used in office environments has
been provided to the C63 Secretary for ballot within C63. This standard will be numbered C63.9.
6. Vivek Talwar has offered to serve as the
Vice Chair of WG1. He works for Goldman Sachs. Mr. Hare approved recommending Mr. Talwar for
this position. Mr. Hare will prepare a list of WG
participants and submit them to the C63 parent committee for approval.
7. The continued support of SC5 to the work of
SC8 on the development of C63.18 was discussed. Mr. Hare is the liaison to SC8,
working with Mr. Silberberg on document text. Mr. Hare
will continue to help Mr. Silberberg as requested.
8. The continued work on C63.24, a standard on
ad-hoc, in-situ immunity testing of generic, non-medical devices, was
discussed. A working group will be
established to begin work on this document by the next series of C63
meetings. This group will focus on
resolving consensus issues related to making measurements of radiated field
strength by non-EMC-trained users.
9. The assumption of responsibility for the
ongoing maintenance of C63.15, generic immunity requirements, was discussed. After C63 is reballoted in the parent committee and sent
to the IEEE for publication, it is anticipated that SC5 will assume
responsibility for maintaining this document. A
working group within SC5 will be formed to work on this document.
10. Poul Andersen gave a verbal presentation and
discussion on the use of reverberation chambers for immunity testing by the
automotive industry. Although no specific projects
were initiated by this presentation, the information was of general interest to
the members of SC5.
11. The leadership of SC5 was discussed. This did not result in filling the vacant Vice Chair