Accredited Standards Committee C63

Electromagnetic Compatibility


SUBCOMMITTEE 2 – E3 Terminology Definitions


Approved Meeting Minutes (prepared by Dave Southworth)


Tuesday, 26 April 2005, 10:15 – 12:00

IEEE Headquarters

Piscataway, NJ



1.      Call to order


1.1.   Introduction of members – see membership sheet (attachment 1).  Those in attendance were Dave Southworth, Marcus Shellman, Joe Snyder, Ralph Showers, and Dheena Moongilan (as observer).


1.2.   Opening comments – Dave Southworth chaired the meeting


1.3.   Vice chair – Southworth noted that the SC-2 has no vice chairman.  Shellman volunteered to be Vice-Chair.


2.      Approval of agenda – Southworth had developed a PowerPoint presentation as an addition to the agenda.  It was agreed to follow the presentation as a guide to the discussion.


3.      Review of previous minutes – Southworth noted that the past meetings have been rather flexible, with limited participation and no minutes recorded although the output of the meetings have resulted in PowerPoint presentations given at the C63 main meeting.


4.      SC-2 Membership list – There was a quick review of the membership list from the Spring meeting and it was acknowledged that each of the chairs of the other subcommittees were officially members of this committee, although few attend.  Dheena Moongilan joined the meeting as an observer.  The member list will be attached to the meeting minutes.   There was a quick review of the scope of the sub-committee as shown in these previous minutes.


5.      SC-2 Scope and approach – As per the presentation, changes were made in the scope to reflect the changes as addressed in the last C63 main meeting in which it was agreed to change the title of the C63.14 to add E3 and eliminate ESD and EMP (although these terms are included under the umbrella term of E3).  It was agreed that the approach was to verify that terms in the present 1998 version of C63.14 would be verified as still being in C63 standards and to check definitions given in C63 standards created since 1998 to see if new terms need to be added.  The Department of Defense (DOD) terms found in military standards would be reviewed to gather new terms that need to be added.  Marcus Shellman and Joe Snyder took the action to gather a listing of DOD standards and handbooks and potential terms to be added to the C63.14.  Southworth will do a search of the Adobe Acrobat version of the C63 standards that he has to verify currency of terms in C63.14 and gather new terms.  It is hoped that the subcommittee chairs can also assist with the gathering of new terms not already in C63.14.  Those terms not specifically E3 related and not used in the C63 standards nor in DOD standards will be proposed for deletion from C63.14.  Those terms used in C63 and specifically E3 related and included in IEEE Std 100 may be proposed for deletion from C63 as well.  Showers noted that the IEEE Std 100 was more a glossary of terms.  Terms that needed to be defined in a standard should stay in C63.14.   It was noted that some terms suggested by NATO working groups may be included since they usually are applicable to DOD use as well.  It was also noted that the document needed updates on a regular basis such as 5 years if not sooner.   An aggressive schedule was proposed in hopes that the document might be ready for review by the end of 2006.  Suggested changes to the document will be briefed to the C63 main meeting via presentation format if the document itself cannot be fully updated in the IEEE template in time.  It was also suggested that the subcommittee consider including drawing symbols since it was noted that there are several symbols for ground reference.  After a short discussion, it was decided to not include them since there should be an IEEE standard that already addresses these.  It was also recommended that IEC 60050-161 terms also be considered for inclusion if that document has been updated since 1998 (the IEC 60050-161 was in the C63.14 references as being included).   It was also suggested that the reference section (paragraph 2.0) of C61.4 only include IEEE Std 100 since some of the other references no longer have the definitions referenced earlier and also some of the MIL-STDs references no longer exist.  It was pointed out that any terms lifted from another source will need the reference listed both after the definition and in paragraph 2.0.


6.      Working Group Reports

6.1.   WG#1 – Dave Southworth - ANSI C63.14 Update Activity Status, see above discussion.


7.      Unfinished Business

7.1.   ANSI C63.14 PINS Status: Note: after the SC-2 meeting it was found that the C63 secretary did not have a copy of C631.4 PINS in the new format, so Southworth revised the old PINS into the new format and submitted it to Bob Pritchard at the C63 main meeting on Thursday.  It will also be sent by email to Bob Pritchard the following week.


8.      Summary of issues/action items:

8.1.   Approach to content of C63.14

8.1.1.      Include C63 standards terms in C63.14,

8.1.2.      Include DOD terms (consider include “NATO” terms),

8.1.3.      All other terms not required by above “a” and “b” that are already in IEEE Std 100 will generally not be included in C63.14

8.1.4.      Consider some terms from IEC 60050-161

8.2.   Reference only to include IEEE Std 100 and no others (except directly quoted texts)

8.3.   To include drawing symbols?  …in another IEEE doc already…so no action to be taken.

8.4.   All C63 subcommittee chairs/secretaries need to submit new terms used to the SC/2 (not being done presently).

8.5.   Develop list of DOD references and E3/Spectrum Supportability (SS) terms to be included in C63.14 (action to Shellman and Snyder)

8.6.   Consider IEC 60050-161 and other IEC documents (Ralph Showers has list).



9.      Next meeting – tentatively Tuesday, 1015-noon, 27 September 2005.  See preliminary agenda in attachment 2.  Location may be somewhere in the Bay Area of California.


10.  Adjournment – 1210 pm




Attachment 1

ANSI ASC C63/SC-2 Membership Roster – April 2005







Fax No.

Southworth, Dave

  (Chair, SC-2)


53560 Hull St

ATTN: PL-MR, Code 2856

San Diego, CA  92152-5001



Shellman, Marcus

  (Vice-Chair, SC-2)

Joint Spectrum Center

2004 Turbot Landing

Annapolis, MD  21402-5064



Heirman, Donald N.

  (Chair SC-1)


Don HEIRMAN Consultants, LLC

143 Jumping Brook Road

Lincroft, NJ  07738-1442




Lichtig, John

  (Chair SC-3)

Lichtig EMC Consulting, LLC

970 Brown Road

Bridgewater, NJ 08807-1259



Hare, Ed

(SC5 chair)


225 Main Street

Newington, CT 06111



Hoolihan, Daniel D.

Hoolihan EMC Consulting



  (Chair SC-6, SC-8)

P.O. Box 367




Lindstrom, MN  55045


Berger, Stephen

  (Chair, SC-7)

TEM Consulting, LP

140 River Road




Georgetown, TX 78628


Snyder, Joe

Contract Support to JSC



Showers, Ralph M.

University of Pennsylvania



  (Chair C63)

Moore School of Electrical







200 South 33rd Street




Philadelphia, PA  19104-6390





Attachment 2





SUBCOMMITTEE 2 – E3 Terminology Definitions


27 September 2005 Preliminary Agenda


 Tuesday, 10:15 AM – Noon


1.      Opening and Self-Introductions


2.      Review and Adoption of Agenda


3.      Review and Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting


4.      Review Membership List


5.      Working Group Reports

5.1.    WG#1 – Southworth - ANSI C63 Standards Survey for Terms

5.2.    WG#2 – All SC Chairs – Submittal of New Terms & Definitions

5.3.    WG#3 – Shellman/Snyder – DOD Documents List and Survey for Terms

5.4.    WG#4 – Southworth/Showers – Survey of International Sources for Terms


6.      Unfinished Business

6.1.    ANSI C63.14 PINS Status – Southworth/Pritchard


7.      New Business

7.1.    …


8.      Action Item Review – Chair/Secretary


9.      Next Meeting

9.1.    OPEN


10.    Adjournment – (Noon)



SC/2 Chair: Dave Southworth,

SC/2 Vice-Chair: Marcus Shellman,

SC/2 Secretary: vacant