
American National Standards Committee C63®
Participation Fee Schedule

(posted 1/6/25)

In the course of developing and publishing standards, C63® incurs significant expenses. The largest expenses for C63® are the IEEE editing and Secretariat charges for C63® standards and meeting/balloting activity, respectively. To cover these (and other) costs, C63® charges participation fees for its organizational and individual members.


C63® Participation Fee Schedule


Membership type


Voting privileges

Organizational member of C63®

$4,000.00 per year

One vote on standards and any matter before C63®

Individual member of C63®

$1,400.00 per year

Same as organizational member of C63®

Individual Subcommittee members

$1,400.00 per year

One vote only on Subcommittee matters

Member Emeritus of C63®

Fees waived

No vote

Individual Working Group members


One vote only on Working Group matters

Observers for any C63® Main Committee or Subcommittee meetings

$0 per meeting

No vote

Working Group members at Working Group meetings or special meetings called by Subcommittee Chairs

$0 per meeting

Vote on Working Group consensus matters

Observers at Working Group meetings

$0 per meeting

No vote

Potential Working Group/observer attendees at inaugural meeting of a Working Group

$0 per meeting

No vote

Further Information and Requirements:


Organizational members may have an alternative representative on C63®.  However, the organization member has only one vote at the C63® Main Committee meetings.  The organizational participation fee covers up to five (5) participants affiliated or named by the organizational member in C63® activities, with no additional meeting fees required (unless necessary to cover extraordinary meeting expenses). The total of five includes the organization’s primary representative and the alternate. If these participants are members of Subcommittees or Working Groups, they are then voting members of those committees.  If they are not members of Subcommittees or Working Groups, they are classified as non-voting observers without vote. The individual C63® member’s fee covers the participation in an unlimited number of C63® Subcommittees, Working Groups and projects. They do not have a vote in these other committee activities unless they have also been accepted as members in those committees.


Payment of fees:


Applicants for membership on C63® should submit their application for membership as described on the Standards Development page. (fill out a Main Committee or Subcommittee membership application form and send it to the Secretary) Also, send your check or credit card information to:


US EMC Standards Corporation

Office of the Treasurer

Attn:  Brenda Schmidt

PO Box 13

St. Croix Falls, WI  54024

E-Mail:  usemctreasurer@gmail.com (do not send credit card info in an e-mail, use the postal service only)


Payment Form:


Make Checks Payable to USEMCSC.


If preferred, payment by credit card (VISA, Master or AMEX) .


Name of Cardholder: _________________________________________________________

Credit Card Number: _________________________________________________________

Expiration Date: ___________

E-Mail of Member: __________________________________________________________


Address & Name of Cardholder:


Name: _______________________________Company: _____________________________

Street:  ____________________________________________________________________

ZIP & City: _________________________________________________________________

State: __________________________________________

Email: ______________________________________________________________________