Two workshops will be held in Minneapolis, Minnesota on August 15 and 16 just prior to the IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility. A half-day workshop comparing ANSI C63.4 and CISPR 22 will be held on 15 August. A comprehensive ANSI C63.4-2000/2001 Workshop is scheduled for 16 and 17 August. The instructors are Don Heirman, Bob Hofmann and Art Wall. If you do not have the IEEE Symposium Advance Program booklet, contact Janet O’Neil for registration details. (Voice 425-868-2558, fax 425-868-0547)
The November 11-15, 2002 meeting series will be held in the Washington DC area. (Herb Mertel will provide details when arrangements are completed.)
It was announced at the 9 May C63 meeting that Ed Bronaugh had resigned as C63 Vice-Chair. Ed, however, will still be available to support C63 projects. In connection with Ed’s resignation, the concept of a Member Emeritus status was proposed. A “job description” will be prepared by the C63 Steering Committee for consideration by C63 voting members.
The C63 Secretariat (IEEE Standards Activity) proposed Don Heirman for the vacant Vice-Chair position subject to approval of the C63 Chair and endorsement by C63 members. Both actions being in the affirmative, Don was appointed C63 Vice-Chair.
Dave Southworth was unanimously approved by C63 at its May meeting as the Chair of SC-2 Terms and Definitions.
IEEE Standards Association (SA) informed C63 the IEEE Board of Directors had mandated that SA achieve a 2002 balanced budget. To achieve a balanced budget, the IEEE-SA Board of Governors decided to require all accredited standards committees to reimburse IEEE for direct costs for secretariat services. A number of options were discussed at the 9 May C63 meeting. By Motion approved, C63 plans to continue (as now) with full “fee for services” paid to IEEE-SA by C63. Current C63 funds will support committee operations for about one year. A Finance Committee (Mike Windler, Chair) was established to address C63 future financing. (Subsequent to the meeting the Steering Committee proposed an annual fee assessment schedule to provide funds to cover the service fees and establish a small reserve.)
by William Hurst
Biennial Regulatory Review of Part (ET Docket 01-278) As part of the Commission’s review of Part 15 a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) covering a wide variety of topics and proposed revisions to Part 15. Action on this item is expected in the next few months. Proposals of interest to ASC C63 include:
RF Radiation Exposure The FCC in conjunction with the TCB Council held its second RF Exposure training workshop, April 2-6. The workshop provided a repeat of the SAR course taught last year and updated information on RF safety issues for products in addition to Part 22 and 24 handsets. In the near future TCBs will be able to certify more types of products that have been previously excluded due to RF Radiation Exposure considerations.
FDA-FCC Cellular Phone and RadioFrequency Energy Website Posted for Public Use and Comment (News Release May 8, 2002)
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) have established a joint web site, Cell Phone Facts, to provide consumer information regarding cellular phones and radiofrequency (RF) energy. This web site provides the public with information from both government agencies involved in the regulation of cell phones and their base stations. It provides a review of how cell phones work and answers questions raised about their safety. It also includes a link to the FCC’s web site that contains additional information about radiofrequency safety as it relates to other sources of RF energy. The FDA-FCC RF safety web site is available for public use and comment at and
The FCC has amended its rules to promote the introduction of new digital transmission technologies for high-speed wireless communications. Specifically, the Commission has modified Part 15 of its rules to permit new digital transmission technologies to operate in the 902-928 MHz (915 MHz), 2400–2483.5 MHz (2.4 GHz) and 5725–5850 MHz (5.7 GHz) bands under the current rules for spread spectrum systems. The Commission also provided flexibility in the design and operation of frequency hopping spread spectrum (FHSS) systems in the 2.4 GHz band and eliminated the processing gain requirement for direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) systems.
In the docket on line conducted emissions the FCC has amended Parts 15 and 18 of the rules to revise the limits on the amount of radio frequency (RF) energy that is permitted to be conducted onto the AC power lines. The docket harmonizes the FCC standards on conducted emission limits with the international standards developed by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), International Special Committee on Radio Interference (CISPR).
Of late there has been considerable interest in the area of Power Line Communications (PLC). CISPR is working on a proposal that would place conducted limits on PLC. At the February meeting of the working group in Copenhagen, Denmark the FCC presented a paper explaining the current FCC technical requirements for Carrier Current Systems. In the Line Conducted docket (98-80) the FCC has requested input on the issue of PLC from industry.
Ultra-Wideband Transmission Systems (ET Docket 98-153)
The Federal Communication Commission (FCC) adopted a First Report and Order that permits the marketing and operation of certain types of new products incorporating ultrawideband (UWB) technology. UWB has the potential to be used in a variety of applications such as radar imaging of objects buried under the ground or behind walls and short-range, high-speed data transmissions.
UWB devices operate by employing very narrow or short duration pulses that result in very large or wideband transmission bandwidths. With appropriate technical standards, UWB devices can operate using spectrum occupied by existing radio services without causing interference, thereby permitting scarce spectrum resources to be used more efficiently. The standards adopted are a cautious first step with UWB technology.
The Order establishes different technical standards and operating restrictions for three types of UWB devices based on their potential to cause interference. These three types of UWB devices are:
1) imaging systems including Ground Penetrating
Radars (GPRs), wall, through-wall, medical
imaging, and surveillance devices,
2) vehicular radar systems, and 3) communications and measurement systems.
Proceeding To Allocate New Frequency Bands to the Amateur Radio Service (News Release, May 9, 2002)
The FCC adopted a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) proposing to allocate the 135.7-137.8 kHz and 5250-5400 kHz bands to the amateur radio service on a secondary basis. The Commission also proposed to upgrade the existing secondary amateur radio service allocation in the 2400-2402 MHz band to primary status and to add a primary allocation for the amateur-satellite service in this band. The amateur radio service provides spectrum for amateur radio service licensees to participate in a voluntary noncommercial communication service which provides emergency communications and allows experimentation with various radio techniques and technologies to further the understanding of radio use and the development of new technologies.
FCC Lab Provides Guidance on Certification of Linear Power Amplifiers Used with Cellular and PCS Transmitters (DA 021097, May 10, 2002) The FCC rules require certification of single and multichannel Linear Power Amplifiers (LPAs) that are used with cellular and Personal Communications Service (PCS) base station transmitters. The FCC issued a public notice providing guidance on the certification process for LPAs intended to be used with multiple types of such cellular and PCS base station transmitters.
By Don Heirman, Chair
Project 1-1.1 C63.15 Immunity measurements: Mr. Mertel advised that the incorporation of the comments is underway and completion of this effort is scheduled by July 15, 2002.
Project 1-8.1 C63.22 Guide for Automated EMI Measurements: Document is in recirculation in C63. The drawings for the document have been redone and have to be included in the recirculation Project 1-8.3 Revision of C63.2: The chair asked that Werner Schaefer, David Southworth, Dr. Showers, Marcus Shellman, Bill Scrivner and Ed Bronaugh work together to create the wording on how to specifically define 6 dB and impulse bandwidth. Mr. Southworth was asked to chair this ad hoc committee addressing this task.
Various construction materials, such as plywood and fiberglass, were used for the site reflection experiments. Scanning or pattern techniques worked well. The pass/fail criteria should be 1 dB of site error contribution. The working group needs to determine minimum frequency resolution and whether altitude scanning is needed. A goal is to limit the site error contribution to an emissions measurement to 1 dB for pass/fail criteria.
Project 1-15.4 C63.16 ESD Standard Revision: The structure of the ANSI document has not changed. There are changes to the test set up and site for clarity. The criteria were made simpler. Every technical comment (except for one) received from the last ballot has been addressed in the latest version. The IEC document is largely following the ANSI document, however, the clauses have been rearranged and there are a few other changes. Ed Bronaugh moved to forward this document to C63 in order to go to ballot. The motion was seconded and approved. It was suggested that due to the limited time to review the standard in SC1 that C63 circulate the document to C63 to determine if it is ready to go to ballot.
Rhoades to notify his working group members that their respective companies legally may be charged with copyright infringement if they share/reprint parts of the C63.16 document with the IEC committee.
Project 1-15.5 (All C63 Standards) Measurement Uncertainty: Project will be referred to as C63.23. The goal is to make this a “cookbook” for measurement uncertainty to address each particular type of test.
Project 1-15.6 C63.5 Antenna Calibration: C63 ballot was successful. One negative vote was resolved and the results sent to the negative voter to see if the vote can be changed to affirmative.
Project 1-15.7 C63.4 Fully Absorber Lined Room (FAR): There is a PIN-C to determine if there is any special need or application of this test facility in the US different than that in IEC CISPR A (with TC77 as a joint project). The committee consensus was that work should continue on FAR
Project 1-15.8 Reverberation Chamber Measurement Techniques: There is a PIN-C to determine if there is any special need or application of this test facility in the US different than that is CISPR A (with TC77 as a joint project). Kimball Task group set up and was asked by the task group chair to send their comments on what they would like to see in an ANSI C63 document on reverberations chambers.
Project 1-15.9 Maintenance of Revision to C63.4: C63 ballot is out on the proposed revision to C63.4-2000/2001. There was a request to consider the effect of ferrite tubes on cables exiting the test site from table-top equipment. This was due to the fact that it is already in CISPR 22. There is a desire not to perform two tests—one with the tubes and one without. The working group would like to obtain more data on the effect of ferrites on power and other types of cables before bringing this document to ballot.
Approval of PINS: The Chair advised that C63.7 is close to ten years old. He would like to enter a PINS-C to revise this document to make it consistent with the revisions made to C63.4 and C63.5 which reference C63.7. The committee agreed that Mr. Heirman should take this PINS-C request to the parent C63 committee.
Approval of PINS-C: A PINS-C to modify C63.4 and C63.2 regarding the use of spectrum analyzers for emissions testing, to define the issues and outline the procedures (how they are used, what the temperature effects can be on the use of the equipment, etc)
Approval of Vice-Chair: The Chair advised that he has appointed Mike Windler as Vice-Chair of Subcommittee 1. The committee approved this recommendation. C63 is requested to approve this appointment. (Note: C63 did approve)
by Herb Mertel, Chair
The SC5 met at the Underwriters Laboratories on May 8, 2002. The main Item on the Agenda was a review of the proposed document "Recommended Practice for the On-Site, Ad Hoc Test Method for Estimating the Radiated Electromagnetic Immunity of Industrial Equipment to Specific Radio-frequency Transmitters". Valuable comments were made by all members of the committee. Another draft is planned considering all comments made. In a related matter, a rewrite of the document C63.15 "Recommended Practice for the Method of Immunity Measurement of Electronic and Electrical Equipment" was made by rewriting the document and deleting (and only referencing) all specific test methods that were derived from existing IEC and MIL specifications. The document is in SC1. It was balloted and passed with comments. These comments are being incorporated in the final document scheduled for availability in 2003.
by Ross Hansen, Acting Chair
A meeting of Subcommittee 6 of the ASC C63 was held on May 8th, 2002 at the Underwriters Laboratories, in Northbrook IL. Chairman Dan Hoolihan was not able to attend. Ross Hansen was the acting chair for this meeting.
Working Group #1 – Dan Hoolihan – Checklists for Lab Assessors: Dan Hoolihan submitted a draft Foreword and Table of Contents for the Checklist Compendium Document. The subcommittee reviewed these documents and comments will be sent back to Dan for consideration. Several new checklists were suggested and the need for these will be explored before any work commences.
Working Group #2 – Open
Ken Hall sent the HP PT procedure to Dan Hoolihan for review. A copy of ISO Guide 43 should be obtained since the procedure should be based around this international standard, as accreditation bodies prefer to employ programs based on international standards.
Working Group #4 – NVLAP Antenna Calibration Policy Mike Howard: No Activity to report. A suggestion to disband the WG was made however the acting chair deferred this issue to a future meeting.
Don Heirman gave an update on NACLA activities (a copy of Mr. Heirman’s report will be included in the SC-6 Minutes). Mr. Heirman also reported that CISPR 16-4 (final draft) on measurement uncertainty is in final vote; a history of this document appears in the February 2002 edition of IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility.
The next meeting will be held in Rockville, MD, week of November 11, at a still to be decided facility.
by Barry Wallen, Acting Chair
A meeting of Subcommittee 8 of the ASC C63 was held on May 8th, 2002 at the Underwriters Laboratories, in Northbrook IL. Chairman Dan Hoolihan was not able to attend. Barry Wallen was the acting chair for this meeting.
Working Group #1 – Herb Mertel – C63.18: Jeff Silberberg reported that work on the second edition was progressing albeit slower than he wanted. Jeff stated that significant progress should be made over the next few months. Jeff also reported that a workshop would be held on the Friday of the 2002 EMC Symposium to present the proposed changes to the 2nd edition of C63.18.
Working Group #2 – Howard Bassen – C63.21: Jon Casamento reported for Howard Bassen. The scope of work included in the original PINS has been completed. The working group decided the results of this work did not warrant any publication of this work. There were three issues that lead to this decision: 1) the expected audience for a publication would be very small. 2) There were certain technical issues involved in the work that would lessen the usefulness of the results. 3) The work produced no significant new data.: This project should be considered closed. The Subcommittee would like to thank the individuals who worked on this project, especially Howard Bassen and Bob Delisi.
Working Group #3 – Steve Berger – C63.19: Steve Berger reported that a recent FCC NPRM might have a negative impact on C63.19. The NPRM appears to do away with any hearing aid testing. Steve has an action item to get the results of the comments on the NPRM (both the call for comments and responses is closed). This action by the FCC should be monitored very closely.
IEC 60601-1-2: Jeff Silberberg reported that IEC 601-1-2, 2nd edition was published in September, adopted by AAMI and approved by ANSI in November. FDA recognized 601-1-2 in January. The first amendment has already been proposed (62A393 CD)
FDA Update: Jeff Silberberg and Jon Casamento reported on a number of FDA activities. These included: 1) training of FDA reviewers with topics on "Basics of EMC, Standards, and Wireless" 2) Development of FDA strategies on the use of wireless in medical devices 3) ASTM F12.60 and the FDA working on recommended practices involving screening device and medical devices 4) activity on ISO 7176-21, EMC requirement for wheelchairs.
The next meeting will be held in Rockville, MD, week of November 11, at a still to be decided facility. ******
by Hugh Denny, Secretary, Std. Dev. Committee
The IEEE EMC Society is currently responsible for twelve EMC standards as listed in the accompanying table (on next page). As noted, Std-213 will be dropped when the revision of Std-187 is complete as the requirements of 213 are being incorporated into 187. David Traver of the Sony Corporation is leading this effort. Stds-139 and –377 are currently undergoing extensive review to determine if they reflect the current state of the art and if there continues to be a need for these standards. Std-139 is concerned with the measurement of extraneous RF energy produced by ISM equipment. Anyone involved with the manufacture, installation and/or utilization of such equipment as, for example, industrial RF heating systems, are encouraged to provide inputs and opinions as to the level of usage and advantages/deficiencies of this standard to the Standards Development Committee (SDCom). Similarly, Std-376 is concerned with the measurement of impulse strength and impulse bandwidth, an area of increasing concern as broad spectrum usage equipment grows. Developers and users of such systems are also encouraged to convey your opinions to the SDCom. Persons to contact are: Donald N. Heirman, IEEE EMCS Vice President for Standards,, Stephen H. Berger, Chair of SDCom,, or Hugh W. Denny, SDCom Secretary,
In addition to the continuing activities on existing standards, two new standards are under development. These are P1560, “Methods of Measurement of Radio Frequency Interference Filter Suppression Capability in the Range of 100 Hz to 40 GHz,” being led by Kermit Phipps. This effort is developing a methodology for determining the RF attenuation of as-installed filters under normal operating load conditions. To support Kermit on this effort, contact him at P1597 is a two-part development effort for validating electromagnetic computer models. If you are interested in this effort, contact Andy Drozd at
Current Exp. | |||
IEEE | TITLE | Date | Chair or Point of Contact and Status |
STD- | |||
139-1988 | (RP) Measurement of RF Emission from ISM | Dec 31, 2004 | Under review with FCC and for potential |
Equipment on User’s Premises | international applications | ||
187-1990 | Open Field Method of Measurement of Spurious Radiation from FM and TV Receivers | Nov 8, 2004 | Dave Traver, chair of WG to revise. |
213-1987 | Measuring Conducted Emissions from TV and | Dec 31, 2003 | Requirements are being incorporated into |
FM Receivers (ANSI Recognized) | Revised 187 | ||
299-1991 | Measuring the Effectiveness of Shielding | Dec 7, 2004 | Working Group is active. Dale Svetanoff , |
Enclosures (ANSI Recognized) | Chair. | ||
376-1975 | Measurement of Impulse Strength and Impulse | Dec 31, 2003 | Under review for amending or reaffirming |
Bandwidth (ANSI Recognized) | in 2002. | ||
377-1980 | (RP) Measurement of Spurious Emissions from | Dec 31, 2002 | Reaffirmation ballot currently being |
Land-Mobile Comm. Transmitters (ANSI | conducted. | ||
Recognized) | |||
473-1985 | (RP) EM Site Survey (10 KHz – 10 GHz) | May 30, 2005 | Elya Joffe, chair. WG active. |
(ANSI Recognized) | |||
475-2000 | Measurement of Field Disturbance Sensors (rf Intrusion Alarms) (ANSI Recognized) | Dec 31, 2005 | ANSI Recognized. |
1128 | Measurement of RF Absorbing Materials | Dec 31, 2003 | Dr. Jose Perini to chair revision/update |
1998 | effort. | ||
1140 | Measurement of E&H Fields from VDTs | Dec 31, 2004 | Dheena Moongilan to lead review effort for |
1994 | potential revision/update. | ||
1302 | Guide for the Characterization of EMI Gaskets | Dec 31, 2005 | Prof. Johan Catrysse leading WG to revise |
1998 | and update. | ||
1309 | Calibration of Electromagnetic Field Sensors | Dec 31, 2001 | John Kraemer, WG Chair to revise and |
1996 | and Field Probes, exc. Antennas, 9 kHz – 40 | update. | |
GHz | |||
P1560 | Methods of Measurement of Radio Frequency | Dec 31, 2003 | WG active. K. Phipps, Chair |
Interference Filter Suppression Capability in the | |||
Range of 100 Hz to 40 GHz. | |||
P1597 | Standard for validation of CEM Computer | 2005 | Andy Drozd, WG chair. |
Modeling and Simulation |
Dr. Ralph M. Showers, Chairman ( Donald N. Heirman Vice-Chairman ( Robert Pritchard, Secretary ( Warren A. Kesselman, Treasurer/Newsletter Editor ( Donald N. Heirman, Chair SC-1 Techniques and Development ( Dave Southworth, Chair SC-2 Terms and Definitions John Lichtig, Chair SC-3 International Standardization ( Herbert K. Mertel, Chair SC-5 Immunity Measurements ( Daniel D. Hoolihan, Chair SC-6 Accreditation/Conformity Assessment ( Daniel D. Hoolihan, Chair SC-8 Medical Device EMC Test Methods (
ACCREDITED STANDARDS COMMITTEE C63 ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY NEWSLETTER is published approximately forty-five days after a C63 Committee meeting and is available on the web site That site also contains much information about C63 and its subcommittees.
© 2002 ASC C63. Articles may be reproduced in whole or in part provided that the source “ASC C63” and Newsletter edition and date is mentioned in full.