C63 NEWSLETTER 1 February 2000 Issue No. 4



The C63 Newsletter is intended for and distributed to C63 Parent Committee Members, IEEE EMC Society Board of Directors, and US TAGs for CISPR & TC77. Recipients may share the information with colleagues. The Newsletter in its entirety, or in part, should not be sent to public bulletin board systems. Contributions of readers to the content of future issues, as well as general comments to aid in development of this newsletter, will be welcome.


March 7 to 10, at the Siemens Corporation, 2205 Grand Avenue Parkway (Exit 248 on IH 35 North), Austin Texas 78728. Contact Ed Bronaugh, Tel: (512) 990-1000 (switchboard) or (512) 990-6673. There will be no meeting registration fee for this series. The meeting hotel is the Embassy Suites Austin-North, 5901 North IH-35 (exit Cameron Road), Austin, TX 78723, Tel: (512) 454-8004, Fax: 512.454.9047, www.embassysuitesaustin.com. The rate until February 14, 2000 is $124. Please mention Siemens and ANSI C63 when making your reservation. If your travel plans should change, you can cancel your reservation up to 24 hours before your scheduled arrival.

March 7 (Tuesday) SC-8, 0900-1200 and SC-6, 1300-1700. March 8 (Wednesday) SC-1, 0800-1200; C63 Committee, 1300-1700; C63 Steering*, 1800-1900. March 9 (Thursday) C63 Committee, 0900-1200; SC-3, 1300-1700; USEMCSC*, 1800-1900. March 10 (Friday) SC-3, 0900-1200.

* Invited members only

July 19 to 21, Seattle Washington

November 1 to 3, Piscataway New Jersey

Contact: Herb Mertel (hmertel@home.com)


It is anticipated that workshops will be conducted on C63.17 (end of first quarter), C63.19 (end of second quarter), C63.4 (August at EMC Society Symposium & September at Rome Symposium), C63.16 (Fall) and ISO/IEC FDIS 17025. Contact Don Heirman (d.heirman@worldnet.att.net)


Bill Rhoades has retired from Zerox and his activities on C63. John Maas is continuing Bill’s work on C63.16.

Hugh Turnbull celebrated his 83rd birthday and has stepped down as ARRL’s representative on C63. Hugh’s replacement has not been named as yet.


The IEEE Standards Association Board of Governors, elected Donald Heirman Chair of the IEEE 2000 Standards Board.

The 2000 IEEE Standards Association Products Catalog contains a list of standards products and services currently offered by IEEE. The catalog is on-line (http://standards.ieee.org/catalog/) and is updated frequently. All “Electromagnetics” standards are available in an annual on-line subscription. C63 standards are included in that subscription. This is the most economical way to maintain a current file of C63 and other EMC documents.


The IEEE Board of Directors appointed four high-level industry executives to serve a two-year term on the first Board of Directors of the IEEE Industry Standards and Technology Organization (IEEE-ISTO). The appointees are: George W. Arnold, Vice President, Standards & Intellectual Property, Lucent Technologies, Bell Laboratories---Richard J. Holleman, Director of Standards, Intellectual Property & Licensing, IBM Corporation---Marco W. Migliaro, P.E., Chief Electrical/I&C Engineer, Nuclear Division, Florida Power & Light Company---and, Edward M. Roney, Corporate Vice President and Director of Standards and Technology Transfer, Motorola, Inc. The IEEE-ISTO is a not-for-profit corporation that offers standards-related industry groups an operational forum and support services for the implementation and acceptance of standards in the marketplace. The Medical Device Communications Industry Group, the Printer Working Group, and the Nexus 5001 Forum are current programs of the IEEE-ISTO (http://www.ieee-isto.org).

FCC 99-296, ET Docket 98-80

This Notice of Proposed Rule Making addresses FCC’s plans to amend Parts 15 and 18 of their rules to revise the limits on the amount of radio frequency (RF) energy that is permitted to be conducted onto the AC power lines. The purpose of these limits is to protect against interference to radio services operating below 30 MHz. This proposal is intended to harmonize FCC standards on conducted emission limits with the international standards developed by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and International Special Committee on Radio Interference (CISPR) to better protect radio services against interference and facilitate a global marketplace to the benefit of manufacturers and consumers. Herb Mertel coordinated C63’s member comments which in turn were submitted by letter to the FCC. Several C63 members from manufacturers objected to extending the frequency range down to 150 kHz. It was suggested the Commission should make the limits in the frequency range of 150 kHz to 450 kHz optional. Also, the FCC was alerted that a section in ANSI C63.4 would need to be revised if CISPR 22 is adopted. C63 will work with the Commission to accommodate the outcome of this proceeding as it impacts ANSI C63.4. (The best source for FCC info is its web site, www.fcc.gov)


ISO/IEC FDIS 17025 ADOPTED: This International Standard entitled “General Requirements for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories” will replace ISO/IEC Guide 25 and EN 45001. It contains the requirements that testing and calibration laboratories have to meet to demonstrate that they operate a quality system, are technically competent, and are able to generate technically valid results. Testing and calibration laboratories that comply with this standard will also be operating in accordance with ISO 9001 or ISO 9002. It will serve as the basis for laboratory accreditation and facilitate the acceptance of testing and calibration results between countries with mutual recognition agreements. The use of this standard will also facilitate cooperation between laboratories and assist in the harmonization of standards and procedures. Regulatory and safety requirements for laboratories are not covered by this standard.

CISPR MEETING: The next meetings of CISPR/A, CISPR/B, CISPR/C, CISPR/D, CISPR/E, CISPR/F, CISPR/G, CISPR/H and CISPR/S will be held from 5 to 17 June 2000 at Hotel “Moscow” 2, Alexander Nevsky sq., Saint-Petersburg, Russia. Delegates must submit their registration/accommodation forms through the National Committee who in turn must forward them to reach the Saint Petersburg CISPR 2000 Committee no later than 15 March 2000. ( Herb Mertel, hmertel@home.com)

CISPR/A/256/CD: This Committee A draft document entitled “Accounting for Measurement Uncertainties When Determining Compliance With a Limit” was circulated for national committee comments (closing date 2000-03-15). It is a proposed amendment to CISPR 16-x that would require taking instrumentation uncertainty into account in determining compliance to a limit. (Herb Mertel, hmertel@home.com)

CISPR/F/295/CD: This Committee F draft document proposes a change to clause 8.4.2 in CISPR 15. (Herb Mertel, hmertel@home.com)


Project 1-1.1 and 1-1.3 C63.15 Immunity Measurements and Instrumentation: A document referencing several international and military immunity documents and extensions to them are in review. Once SC-1 committee consensus approval is received, it will be given to the parent committee (targeted for Mar. 2000) as a document for ballot. This document is a guide.

Project 1-8.1 C63.22 Guide for Automated EMI Measurements: An IEEE editor has been assigned to this document.

Project 1-8.3 C63.2 to Include Spectrum Analyzers: This revision will address harmonization with CISPR 16 Part 1and specific spectrum analyzer accommodation. Consensus on the document is anticipated by the March meeting.

Project 1-13.2 C63.4 Site Acceptability Above 1 GHz: A PINS-C form was submitted to the secretary to establish the project. The scope is to develop changes to C63.4 for application of site validation for sites where radiated emission measurements are conducted at frequencies greater than 1 GHz

Project 1-15.2 C63.4 ISN for Signal Ports: Data is being obtained from laboratory participants in the round robin testing of the non-invasive conducted emission test shown in Annex C of CISPR 22. The results of the testing to date will be presented at the March meeting in preparation for a contribution to CISPR A on the subject at their meeting in June.

Project 1-15.4 C63.16 ESD Standard: John Maas of IBM is the acting chair of the Working Group.

Project 1-15.5 (All C63 Standards) Measurement Uncertainty: The WG expects to have the draft document available to SC-1 for consensus vote in March. The plan is that this will eventually be presented to CISPR A since CISPR is actively working on a similar document for publication in CISPR 16, Part 3. The working group is also leaning towards a separate C63 document on uncertainty. This then would be referenced in all the key C63 documents where measurement uncertainty applies.

Project 1-15.6 C63.5 Antenna Calibration: Mike Windler’s, presentation (Improvements to C63.4 NSA) during the Nov. ‘99 meeting. is under WG review before coming to a consensus to proceed with actual wording changes for C63.5 and C63.4. The goal is to have updated calibration requirements for antennas used in the frequency range 30-1000 MHz. Changes to C63.4, C63.5, and possibly C63.6, will in all likelihood proceed thereafter or in parallel.


The subcommittee has changed its name from Laboratory Accreditation and Assessment to Laboratory Accreditation.

SC-6’s completed “check lists” for lab certification will be published in an informal manner and advertised on the IEEE EMC Society web page.

The committee prepared a preliminary document for the FCC on criteria for establishing a competent body.

The committee estimates that approximately 50% of the global EMC labs are now accredited to Guide 25


WG 3 is addressing the equal access issue with hearing aids and wireless communication devices. The C63.20 document work was deactivated since both the limits and measurement methods will be incorporated in one document-- C63.19. A balloting group is being formed to review the draft C63.19 document.

WG 2 continues to address the interaction of the human body and medical devices and the development of C63.21. Howard Bassen of the FDA is leading this effort.


Dr. Ralph M. Showers, Chairman (showers@ee.upenn.edu) Edwin L. Bronaugh, Vice-Chairman (Edwin.Bronaugh@icn.siemens.com) Patricia Gerdon, Secretary, (p.gerdon@ieee.org) Donald N. Heirman, Chair SC-1 Techniques and Development (d.heirman@worldnet.att.net) Dr. J.L.Norman Violette, Chair SC-2 Terms and Definitions (enviolette@msn.com) Art Wall, Chair SC-3 International Standardization (awall@fcc.gov) Daniel D. Hoolihan, Chair SC-6 Accreditation/Conformity Assessment (hoolihan@emcxpert.com) Arthur Light, Chair SC-7 Unlicensed Personal Communication Service (alight@erols.com) Daniel D. Hoolihan, Chair SC-8 Medical Device EMC Test Methods (hoolihan@emcxpert.com) Janet O’Neil, Meeting Secretary (j.n.oneil@ieee.org) Warren A. Kesselman, Treasurer/Newsletter Editor (w.kesselman@ieee.org)



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