C63 NEWSLETTER September 30, 1999 Issue No. 3
NEWSLETTER DISTRIBUTION: The C63 Newsletter is intended for and distributed to C63 Committee Members, IEEE EMC Society Directors, and US TAGs for CISPR & TC77. Recipients may share the information with colleagues. The Newsletter in its entirety, or in part, should not be sent to public bulletin board systems. Contributions of readers to the content of future issues, as well as general comments to aid in development of this newsletter, will be welcome.
C63 NOVEMBER 1999 MEETING SERIES: The November meeting series is scheduled for November 3, 4 & 5 in the Baltimore area at the BWI Sheraton, 7032 Elm Road, Baltimore MD 21240. Reservation Tel No: 800-638-5858 Guest Tel No: 410-859-3300 The meetings will follow the usual format: Wed. AM: SC8 Wed. PM: SC6 and SC3 Thurs. AM: SC1 Thurs. PM: C63 Fri. AM & PM until 3 PM: C63 In addition, the Steering Committee and the USEMCSC BoD will meet on Wed. & Thurs. in the evening. Any special meetings to be scheduled: contact: Herb Mertel (hmertel@home.com)
*October 11-12, 1999: An IEC EMC Workshop --sponsored by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Central Office and the IEC Advisory Committee on EMC (ACEC)--will cover the progress in the IEC and CISPR EMC standardization program and will include a discussion of the technical details of key standards. Speakers from IEC, CISPR, TC77, US Advisory Groups, Europe (including the Central Office) and the US will give presentations and lead discussions.
Sheraton International Hotel at BWI Airport, Baltimore Contact: d.heirman@worldnet.att.net
*October 14-15, 1999: An EMC workshop on Power line Harmonics --sponsored by the US National Committee Executive Committee and its Coordinating Committee--will include updates and discussion of the various aspects and issues of the application of IEC standard 61000-3-2 and its limits. The flicker standard issues (IEC 61000-3-3) will also be discussed. Reports on progress in gathering data supporting changes in these standards will be presented.
Location: Sheraton International Hotel at BWI Airport, Baltimore Contact: d.heirman@worldnet.att.net
* November 8-9, 1999: An ANSI C63.18 Workshop --to be conducted by SC8 in conjunction with the University of Oklahoma’s Center for Study of Wireless EMC--will deal with ad hoc testing of the immunity of medical devices exposed to wireless device transmissions such as walkie talkies and cellular phones. Recommended tests in the presence of actual medical instrumentation in a hospital environment will be conducted. Speakers will include representatives from the Food and Drug Administration area
Location: Walter Read Army Hospital, North of Washington DC Contacts: dhoolihan@tuvps.com, heirman@ou.edu
CISPR/TC77 MEETING: 231 delegates representing 25 countries participated in the recent joint CISPR TC77 San Diego meeting. Following are some excerpts from the “Final Report for the Meeting of International Electrotechnical Commission Committees CISPR & TC77 in San Diego, May 31 to June 12, 1999” prepared by Herbert K. Mertel, Manager of CISPR/TC77 Meeting ( hmertel@home.com) .
Acronyms: NP = New Proposal FDIS = Final Draft International Standard CDV = Committee Draft for Vote NC = National Committee
CISPR/S – Steering Committee:
*SC C work on CISPR 18-3 ED2 – HV Power Line Limits – was cancelled pending SC H developing EMC Environmental limits. *Co-operation with TC77 is working well. *It was agreed to establish a new subcommittee to deal with multimedia products. This new SC will absorb the present SC G and SC E in 2001. *It was agreed that CISPR needs only one Vice Chairman, and a CD to redefine the VC role will be raised to enable CISPR 10 to reflect this.
CISPR/A – Radio Interference Measurements and Statistical Methods:
*Mr. D.N.Heirman (USA) was appointed as Secretary SC A and Convenor of A/WG1. Mr. W.Schaefer was appointed Secretary A/WG1. *Publication of further amendments and editions of the parts of CISPR 16 are underway. (Second edition is expected to be published later this year). *Mr. S.Linkwitz is the new project leader for “Measurement and Theoretical Consideration of a Radiation Test Site”. *Project summary: 11 projects closed; 4 new projects; 1 CDV; and 15 CDs.
CISPR/B – Interference relating to Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) Radio Frequency Apparatus:
*Amdt 1 to CISPR 11 is finalized for publication. *An FDIS will be distributed to cover the change of labeling requirements. *A NP covering all types of electro heat equipment is expected.
CISPR/C – Interference relating to Overhead Power Lines, High Voltage Equipment and Electrical Traction Systems:
*Mr. J.L.Gutierrez-Iglesias as the new Convenor with the new Secretary SC/C/WG 01- Mrs. Sloan – chaired the inaugural meeting of the new SC/C Working Group 01. *CISPR/C/116/CDV was published: the results and comments will be discussed at the next meeting.
*A number of Amendments of CISPR 18 have been identified and will be processed.
CISPR/D – Interference relating to Motor Vehicles and Internal Combustion Engines:
*Mr.Frederick Bauer has resigned the Chairmanship in order to further the development of CISPR management personnel. Mr. Poul Anderson (USA) has been appointed temporary Chairman. *Great concern still exists over the deficiencies within the EU EMC directive for automobiles. *A proposal was developed to revise the scope of SC D has been sent to the Steering Committee for consideration. *CDs covering proposed revisions to CISPR 12 and 25 are under development. *The second edition of CISPR 21 is being published.
CISPR/E – Interference relating to Radio Receivers:
*A CDV will be circulated covering a revision to the text of CISPR 13 Ed.4. *Amendment 1 (1999-03) to CISPR 20 Ed.4 (1998-08) has been published. *The second draft revision of CISPR 20 under preparation will be discussed at the next meeting.
CISPR/F – Interference relating to Household Appliances, Tools, Lighting Apparatus and Similar Apparatus:
*CISPR 15 Ed5.2 was published 1999-04. *A new CD will be prepared with the agreed principle that analogue signaling will be measured by the old method and that digital signals will not be measured with the probe, but in accordance with CISPR 22. *On a proposed statistical evaluation method, it was noted only the maximum value in terminal voltage measurements, and base the 80%/80% rule on these figures is in fact more restrictive, but offers the advantage of automatic evaluation.
CISPR/G – Interference relating to Information Technology Equipment: An alternative definition of “multimedia” has been proposed to transmission to IEC/TC 100.
CISPR/H – Limits for the Protection of Radio Services:
*Data bases are continuing to be developed to provide information on radio services to be protected and existing EMC limits. *4 NPs have been agreed to be submitted to NCs.
*A main task is working on the future IEC 61000-6-5. *Document 77/207/CDV (IEC 61000-4-1 2nd edition) was voted positively and was approved for circulating as FDIS. *The title and scope of SC77C was amended to “High power transient phenomena” with the objective on “Standardization in the field of electromagnetic compatibility to protect civilian equipment, systems and installations from threads by man-made high power transient phenomena including the electromagnetic fields produced by nuclear detonations at high altitude”. (Note under the scope: High power conditions are achieved when the peak incident electromagnetic field exceeds 100 V/m.) *The main projects of cooperation between CISPR and TC77 are TEM cells (IEC 61000-4-20) and reverberation chambers (IEC 61000-4-21). Issues of special interest are EMC compliance uncertainty and Uniform arrangements for emission and immunity testing. *Dr. Szentkuti, TC77 Chair plans to retire by the end of 2000 and his term as Chairman ends in August 2000. The TC77 Secretariat will announce the nomination of the new chairman to the Nation Committees soon.
SUCCESS IN SEATTLE: C63 Session at the 1999 IEEE International Symposium was well attended and prompted many individuals to pick up membership application forms at C63’s booth (organized and staffed by Dan Hoolihan).
ANSI and Global Engineering Documents (Global) an IHS Group Company entered into a five-year agreement for Global to provide order fulfillment and customer service for hardcopy standards and publications on ANSI’s behalf. Under this agreement (effective July 1, 1999) Global will become ANSI’s primary distribution source for hardcopy standards and technical documents. These include standards published by ANSI, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), the International Electrotechnical Commission (EC) and from other U.S. International and non-U.S. national standards developing organizations.
Requests for hardcopy versions of standards that would normally have been directed to ANSI”s customer service department should be directed to: Global Engineering Documents, Phone: 800-854-7179 or 303-397-7956, Fax: 303-397-2740, E-mail: global@ihs.com, http://global.ihs.com. ANSI will expand its services for the electronic delivery of standards through the Electronic Standards Store (webstore.ansi.org) and networking site license agreements.
C63 OFFICERS’ DIRECTORY Dr. Ralph M. Showers, Chairman (showers@ee.upenn.edu) Edwin L. Bronaugh, Vice-Chairman (Edwin.L.Bronaugh@icn.siemens.com) Patricia Gerdon, Secretary, (p.gerdon@ieee.org) Donald N. Heirman, Chair SC-1 Techniques and Development (d.heirman@worldnet.att.net) Dr. J.L.Norman Violette, Chair SC-2 Terms and Definitions (enviolette@msn.com) Art Wall, Chair SC-3 International Standardization (awall@fcc.gov) Daniel D. Hoolihan, Chair SC-6 Accreditation/Conformity Assessment (dhoolihan@tuvps.com) Arthur Light, Chair SC-7 Unlicensed Personal Communication Service (art.light@ssc.de.ittind.com) Daniel D. Hoolihan, Chair SC-8 Medical Device EMC Test Methods (dhoolihan@tuvps.com) Janet O’Neil, Meeting Secretary (j.n.oneil@ieee.org) Warren A. Kesselman, Treasurer/Newsletter Editor (w.kesselman@ieee.org)