C63 NEWSLETTER June 1999 Issue No. 2


NEWSLETTER DISTRIBUTION: The C63 Newsletter is intended for and distributed to C63 Committee Members, IEEE EMC Society Directors, and US TAGs for CISPR & TC77. Recipients may share the information with colleagues. The Newsletter in its entirety, or in part, should not be sent to public bulletin board systems. Contributions of readers to the content of future issues, as well as general comments to aid in development of this newsletter, will be welcome.

C63 JULY & NOVEMBER 1999 MEETING SERIES: *Mike Winkler has invited C63 to hold its July 14,15 & 16 meetings at UL’s new facility in Northbrook IL

(The 1998 ANSI Procedures will be discussed at this meeting).

*The November meeting series is scheduled for November 3, 4 & 5 in the Washington, D.C. area.


*The IEEE International EMC Symposium August 2-6 in Seattle will feature a session on “The Work of ANSI Accredited Standards Committee C63 on EMC”. The papers in this session are: “Progress to Use Commercial Standards for Military Applications” by Dr. Showers, “The Work of C63 Subcommittee 1 on EMC Standards” by Don Heirman, “The Work of Subcommittee 3 on International Standardization” by Art Wall, “The Work of Subcommittee 6 on Conformity Assessment and Laboratory Accreditation” by Dan Hoolihan, “The Work of Subcommittee 7 on Personal Communication Devices” by Art Light and “The Work of Subcommittee 8 on EMC for Medical Devices” by Dan Hoolihan.

*A C63.4 Seminar is planned for July 29-30 in Seattle, Washington just prior to the IEEE International EMC Symposium (Don Heirman, d.heirman@worldnet.att.net).

*A C63.18 Seminar to be conducted by SC8 in conjunction with the University of Oklahoma’s Center for Study of Wireless EMC is tentatively scheduled for November 8 & 9 in the Baltimore, MD area (Dan Hoolihan, dhoolihan@tuvps.com).

ART WALL REASSIGNED: The FCC has reassigned Art Wall (C63/SC-3 Chair) to the position of Associate Chief, Policy and Rules Division of the Office of Engineering and Technology (effective 5-14-99). He will continue to do much of the work he is currently doing. Art is now located in D.C. and his new address is: Federal Communications Commission, Office of Engineering and Technology, Room 7-A-236, 445 Twelfth Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20554.


*Ken Javor (EMC Compliance) gave a presentation on Common Mode-Differential Mode Measurements on Power Lines. His conclusion was that since radios are 20 dB more sensitive to common mode (cm) than differential mode (dm) noise, conducted emission limits should allow a 20 dB relaxation for dm emissions. Concern was expressed that emissions measured as cm in a well controlled EMI test facility might convert to a dm mode on a real power bus. Following the meeting, Mr. Javor prepared a response to the concern which was distributed by Secretary O’Neil via the C63 e-mail “Reflector” on 14 May. In summary, Ken found that the concern was unsubstantiated.

*Doug Smith (Auspex Systems) gave a presentation on Air Traffic Control and related issues involving ESD.

*Dan Hoolihan (TUV Product Service) gave a presentation on the SLIM (Simpler Legislation for an International Market) proposal. The basic principles of the directive are the free movement of goods, global considerations, and safeguarding the public interest (protection of radio communications & telecommunications networks and protection of electrical equipment & installations). Dan does not expect action to result for another five years. (A copy of the SLIM III Team report on the EMC Directive, dated September 24, 1998, is available upon request from Secretary O’Neil.)

SUBCOMMITTEE ACTIVITY: (Mainly extracted from draft March Minutes. Please contact appropriate SC Chair if you are interested in contributing to a particular project.)


*Mirko Matejic and Dave Hanttula were accepted into membership.

*Mike Windler, Monrad Monsen and Jon Casamento have submitted membership applications which will be acted upon at the July meeting.

*Steve Bloom is in the process of making necessary final edits to C63.15 Immunity Measurements and it is anticipated that these will be reviewed at the July meeting.

*Werner Schaefer reported that 20 people participated in the ballot on C63.22 Guide for Automated EMC Measurements and he is now addressing several negative comments.

*Mike Windler is the interim Chair of the Working Group on C63.4 Site Acceptability Above 1 GHz.

*John Lichtig reported that round-robin testing of C64.4 ISN for Signal Ports methods was completed at two test sites. There are still openings in the round-robin test program. Greg Korykowski and Bill Tuthill volunteered to participate in the program.

*Ed Bronaugh is the new Working Group Chair for Project 1-15.5 (All C63 Standards) Measurement Uncertainty. The Vice-Chair is Monrad Monsen. The initial effort will be to work with UKAS to correct items in their NIS 81 document.

*The Working Group for Project 1-16.6 C63.5 Antenna Calibration is investigating numerical modeling as well as field experimentation. They anticipate this effort will eventually be used to amend the tables in C63.4.


*Work continues on Checklists for EMC Laboratory Assessors.

*The function of Working Group 2 was changed from Training Aids for Laboratory Assessors to EMC Personnel Certification. The draft charter indicates this group is to provide support to any organization charged with certifying personnel involved in the various aspects of providing EMC services.

*The Chair received information that ISO/IEC Guide 25 (ISO STD 17025) might be released for vote this Summer.

*A news release that NARTE is “to offer distinctive endorsements to EMC certification of qualified engineers and technicians” was sent to committee members. “The specific and distinctly unique expertise required of engineers and technicians working in accredited EMC laboratories will be acknowledged and recognized by special endorsement(s) to the NARTE EMC engineer and technician certification.”

SC-7: Art Light reports that C63.17 will probably be adopted by the FCC.


*Sean Boyd of the FDA”s Winchester Engineering and Analytical Center (WEAC) gave an excellent presentation on their in-house evaluation of C63.18. He offered several changes to this document based upon his thorough work (WEAC committed over 2,000 man-hours to this investigation). As a result, a revision to C63.18 will be initiated.

*Bill Tuthill reported that performance problems previously found with the rf combiners in the Patent-Connected Leads Experiments have been ironed out. Tests have resumed at UL’s EMC lab on a full-sized acrylic body model in a fully lined anechoic chamber.

*Steve Berger expects to have a document on cellular telephone interference to hearing aids (C63.19) ready to distribute for voting in the Fall of 1999.

*Jeff Silberberg reported that the international working group on IEC 60601-1-2 had reviewed all comments on the last draft. The next draft of the standard is expected to be distributed in mid-Summer for voting.


*A revision of C63.4-1992 is expected this year.

*C63.13 on power line filters is “waiting” for a volunteer to lead this effort.

*Balloting was closed on C63.12 (30 approvals, 4 abstentions, and 1 disapproval).

INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS ACTIVITY: Herb Mertel reported that 240 representatives are registered for the joint CISPR/TC77 meeting being held in San Diego, CA (May 31 to June 12, 1999). China and Korea are sending 13 delegates each. Japan, the UK and Germany are sending 20 delegates each. Rumania has one delegate . Russia has 5 delegates. Most other Nations are sending at least two delegates. Herb also reports that the latest issues of particular concern at the meeting are:. 1- The antenna calibration task will have an ad-hoc meeting chaired by Dr. Jasper Goedbloed. He is replacing P. Beeckman who is ill. 2- The IEC 61000-4-20 document for TEM Cells will be reviewed at a special meeting in San Diego. 3- The issue of a common test setup for emission and immunity testing will be discussed at a special meeting chaired by Eberhard Ristig of Siemens. 4- Measurement Uncertainty issues will be reviewed by Dr. John Hunter of Australia. Reference is the circulated document CISPR/A/234/CD which was voted on by September 1998. 5- The joint task of CISPR & TC77 for Mode-Stirred Chambers will be reviewed by Mike Hatfield at a special meeting. 6- The inputs for CISPR Publication 16 Part 3, "A compilation of Historic Reports and Recommendations of CISPR", have been finished and were submitted to the IEC Central Office for publications scheduled for later this year. 7- Amendment 2 to CISPR Publication 16-1 underwent final editorial review and is scheduled for release in August 1999. Reference: CISPR/A 244/FDIS. 8- Amendment 1 To CISPR Publication 16-2 underwent final editorial review and is scheduled for release in August 1999. Reference; CISPR/A/ 241/FDIS. 9- Document CISPR/A/243/INF on the use of Reverberation Chambers was reviewed and commented upon. 10- A new study proposal was prepared by the UK for "Guidance on emission and immunity testing using reverberation chambers". This task is scheduled for completion in 2004

IEEE/EUROPEAN STANDARDS AGREEMENT: In a recent IEEE Society Sentinel, it was reported that the IEEE Standards Association (IEEE-SA) and the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) have finalized a three-year cooperative agreement to create a complementary approach to the standardization process and avoid duplication of technical work in the development of global standards; especially in the electromagnetic compatibility and radio local-area-network domains.

C63 OFFICERS’ DIRECTORY Dr. Ralph M. Showers, Chairman (showers@ee.upenn.edu) Edwin L. Bronaugh, Vice-Chairman (Edwin.L.Bronaugh@siemenscom.com) Patricia Gerdon, Secretary, (p.gerdon@ieee.org) Donald N. Heirman, Chair SC-1 Techniques and Development (d.heirman@worldnet.att.net) Dr. J.L.Norman Violette, Chair SC-2 Terms and Definitions (enviolette@msn.com) Art Wall, Chair SC-3 International Standardization (awall@fcc.gov) Daniel D. Hoolihan, Chair SC-6 Accreditation/Conformity Assessment (dhoolihan@tuvps.com) Arthur Light, Chair SC-7 Unlicensed Personal Communication Service (light2@ccf.nrl.navy.mil) Daniel D. Hoolihan, Chair SC-8 Medical Device EMC Test Methods (dhoolihan@tuvps.com) Janet O’Neil, Meeting Secretary (j.n.oneil@ieee.org) Warren A. Kesselman, Treasurer/Newsletter Editor (w.kesselman@ieee.org)