Accredited Standards Committee C63 Electromagnetic Compatibility

Accredited by the American National Standards Institute, Inc. Secretariat: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.

January 1999




This is the first issue of a C63 Newsletter. Items are brief to minimize reading time. Where appropriate, sources for additional information are identified. Contributions of readers to the content, as well as general comments to aid in development of this newsletter, will be welcome.

Initially, distribution is limited to C63 Committee Members, IEEE EMC Society Directors, and US TAGs for CISPR & TC77. Recipients may share the information with colleagues. The Newsletter in its entirety, or in part, should not be sent to public bulletin board systems.


This newsletter is being initiated as a means of keeping members of C63 and others interested in EMC standardization informed on the current activities of C63 and of activities in EMC standardization in general that may impact C63 activities.

Issue Number 1

For the benefit of our readers, we will indicate the current status of C63 standards in development, and the persons to be contacted if

one wishes to participate in the work. Its
periodic publication will also assist in
implementing project schedules.

In the related standards area we will cover not only those produced by USA organizations, but also, as information is available, those produced by international organizations such as IEC and ISO, the activities of regional organizations, and in individual countries.


March 3-5 Dallas, Texas July 14-16 Chicago, Illinois November 3-5 Linthicum, Maryland


The United States National Committee of the IEC is hosting a joint meeting of the IEC CISPR and TC 77 which will take place in San Diego, California May 31-June 12, 1999. About 175 international delegates are expected to attend. C63 is responsible for US coordination of international EMC standards and is handling meeting arrangements. Institutional Listing contributions are being accepted to support this event. (Herb Mertel,


*ANSI C63.5-1998 American National Standard for Calibration of Antennas Used for Radiated Emission Measurements in Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) Control: Revised Publication was published.

*ANSI C63.17-1998 American National Standard for Methods of Measurement of the Electromagnetic and Operational Compatibility of Unlicensed Personal Communications Services (UPCS) Devices was published 24 March 1998.

*ANSI C63.14-1998 American National Standard Dictionary for Technologies of Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP), and Electrostatic Discharge (ESD): Revised Publication (3 December 1998) was published.

*The final draft revision of ANSI C63.4-1992 was approved for ballot at the November ’98 C63 meeting. A “ballot group” will be formed early in 1999.

*C63 continued to move toward greater use of the electronic media for the conduct of committee business.


Chairman Showers presented (at the November meeting) plaques to Art Light and Jeff Silberberg in recognition of their leadership and contributions in the preparation of ANSI C63.17-1998 and ANSI C63.18-1997 respectively.


A new initiative to include short technical presentations at the C63 Committee meetings was introduced at the November meeting.

*Ralph Droste of Otis Elevator presented comments on the development of an IEC Product Standard on EMC requirements for Lifts, Escalators and Passenger Conveyors. He pointed out that in 1997 there were 6 million elevators worldwide and discussed the new EMC issues facing this product line. The standard is being prepared in WG8 of ISO TC 178, and will be based on Documents prEN 15015 and prEN 15016.

*Mike Hatfield of the Naval Surface Warfare Center at Dahlgren gave a presentation on the use of reverberation chambers. He showed test data indicating that all complex cavities are equivalent on the basis of total radiated power, thus yielding the same results in immunity testing. Correlation of emission data from different chambers is still a problem.

*Doug Smith of Auspex Systems gave a short, entertaining presentation on “Unusual Forms of ESD”. He described two phenomena; Internal Chair ESD and the Jingling Coin Effect. In the first phenomena, internal discharges take place inside a chair involving the chair’s metal legs. As a person rises from the chair, the discharge, being inside the chair, is not perceived by the person. As many as hundreds of discharges over a minute can take place. There have been many cases of chair ESD causing interference to electronic equipment. Such equipment has included communications equipment, computer workstations, and other critical equipment involving human safety.

Doug also described and demonstrated noise radiated from a handful of change in a plastic bag. Similar noise is generated by change in peoples’ pockets. The fields radiated by this effect have been observed to interfere with a wide variety of equipment. High bandwidth equipment can be especially susceptible. Lack of immunity to this type of noise can cause equipment upset from people standing in the vicinity with change in their pockets.

Doug gave some personal war stories of problems he has been involved with concerning these two ESD effects. Although parts of the stories were humorous, serious problems were caused. Doug made the point that neither of these ESD effects is covered by any published standard.

*Two presentations are scheduled for C63’s March ‘99 meeting. Ken Javor of EMC Compliance will talk on Investigation into Radio Susceptibility to Power Line Conducted Noise. Dan Hoolihan of TUV Product Services will speak on the SLIM Proposal.


*A “Harmonics Issue” Workshop is scheduled for January 28-29 in Linthicum, Maryland (Herb Mertel,

*A C63.18 Seminar will be conducted by SC8 in conjunction with the University of Oklahoma’s Center for Study of Wireless EMC in the first half of 1999 (Dan Hoolihan,

*A C63.4 Seminar is planed for July 29-30 in Seattle, Washington just prior to the IEEE International EMC Symposium (Don Heirman,

*The IEEE International EMC Symposium August 2-6 in Seattle will feature a session on “The Work of ANSI Accredited Standards Committee C63 on EMC”. Commercial Standards for military applications and the work of C63 subcommittees 1, 3, 6, 7 & 8 will be presented. Herb Mertel is Session Organizer and Dr. Showers is Session Chair.


(Please contact appropriate SC Chair if you are interested in contributing to a particular project. See C63 ORGANIZATION section for contact information.)


--The preparation of C63.15 (Immunity Measurements) is near completion and should go to consensus ballot in first quarter of 1999.

--Effort continues to include Spectrum Analyzers in C63.2.

--The Measurement Uncertainty committee is developing an errata sheet for use with the NIS 81 document and measurement uncertainty guidance statements for inclusion in C63 documents.

--Round robin testing is ongoing to develop a non-invasive cable testing standard for inclusion in C63.4.

--A recently formed Antenna Factors working group is addressing site validation in absorber lined chambers.

--Work continues on the immunity portion of C63.22 (Guide to Automated EMI Measurements)

--Work continues to update C63.16 (ESD) to

address ITE, telecom and consumer product
criteria and limits.
SC-2 Current effort is being directed to
harmonize C63.14-1998 with existing
international documents.

SC-6 Current effort is being concentrated (at the request of the FCC) in the simplification of SC-6’s “Checklists”. Revisions will be written around international immunity tests (IEC 61000-4-2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 11)

SC-7 The scope of this subcommittee may be expanded to include wireless EMC.


--Work on cellular phone interference to hearing aids continues.

--A project will be initiated to include magnetic field immunity testing required for medical devices in C63.15.


IEEE EMC standards are available as part of an on-line subscription collection. 39 standards presently are available. All C63 documents listed below are in the collection. New standards will be added, as they become available, at no additional charge during the subscription period. A single subscription costs $280.00. The collection is listed as Electromagnetics Standards Product No. SN220 under the category “All Inclusive Power and Energy Standards” (see page 5 in 1999 IEEE Standards Catalog). Order forms may be obtained on the Web site, or call IEEE Customer Service 1-800-678-4333.

CURRENT C63 DOCUMENTS (shortened titles)

C63.2-1996 Instrumentation 10 kHz to 40 GHz Specifications C63.4-1992 Measurement Methods 9 kHz to 40 GHz C63.5-1998 Antenna Calibration for Emission Measurements C63.6-1996 Open Area Test Site Error Computation C63.7-1992 Open Area Test Site Construction C63.12-1987 Recommended Practice for EMC Limits C63.13-1991 Guide on EMI Power Line Filters C63.14-1998 Dictionary of Terms C63.16-1993 Guide for ESD Test Methods C63.17-1998 Measurement of Unlicensed Personal Communication Services Devices C63.18-1997 Recommended Practice for Estimating Immunity of Medical Devices C63.022-1996 Measurement of Information Technology Equipment


*CISPR PLENARY: A new Subcommittee H was set up at the Plenary Meeting in Frankfurt in July. This committee will be concerned with updating the generic emission standards, 61000-6-3 and 61000-6-4, and with examining the basis for the setting of CISPR limits in general. The bases, as determined by SCH will be used as reference by the “product” subcommittees of CISPR.

All SCs are being asked to vote on extension of the frequency range of CISPR publications below 9 kHz (to O Hz) and up to 400 GHz. The purpose is to make these publications complete: the contents covering below 9 kHz will not be developed in CISPR, but will be taken from work in other committees such as IEC TC77.

*CISPR/A: Studies of Fully Anechoic Rooms (FARs) have demonstrated good agreement between simulated EUT emission and measured results in a 3 m ideal FAR and an ideal 10 m OATS. One indication is that the FAR limit should be 5 dB higher than the OATS limit. The study results were transferred to CENELEC SC 210A/WG4 and draft standard EN50147-3 has been prepared. A copy of the draft is available from the USEMCSC for a reproduction cost of $10.00. (Herb Mertel,


Publication 16-1 amendments 1) Subclause 15.4.2 – Balance of antenna and new subclause 15.4.3 on cross polar performance: Project (A/218/NP) accepted in A/238/RVN (9/98)

2) Subclause 14 – Disturbance Analyzers: Project (A/216/NP) accepted in A/236/RVN (07/98)

Publication 16-2 amendment: Concept EMC Standard – Emission measurements in fully anechoic chambers: Project (A/215/NP) accepted in A/235/RVN (07/98).


1) Scope of TC77 (77/206/Q) A revised "simplified" scope was prepared after discussion in ACEC. This has been approved by national committees (77/210/RQ - 01/99)

2) Overview of 61000-4 series of measurement techniques. Votes on this document, 77/207/CDV, which gives recommendations on the application of the various documents and is at the CDV stage, are due by 1 March.

3) The generic immunity standard for the industrial environment, 77/208/FDIS was approved with only 1 negative vote (from the USA), (77/211/RVD).


1) Draft of 61000-4-17 Immunity to ripple on input dc power port: there were 5 negative votes, including the USA (77A/245/RVC). An FDIS is in preparation

2) Draft of 61000-4-29 Immunity to voltage fluctuations, etc, on input dc power port: voting on 77A/264/CDV is due 30 April.

3) Draft of 61000-4-14 Immunity test to voltage fluctuations: Votes on the final draft standard, 77A/263/FDIS were due 981231. The US voted affirmative with comments.

4) A new work item proposal (77A/230/NP), to clarify the conditions under which asymmetrical control can be used, was approved (77A/252/RVN).

5) Comments on 77A/196/CD, draft 61000-3-9: (Limits on emissions (<16 A per phase and prone to produce interharmonics by design) have been circulated (77A/254/CC).

6) Amend. to 61000-3-2: Harmonics from equipment <16 A - Two draft CDVs have been issued, one, 77A/261/CDV, covering professional IT equipment and the other, 77A/262/CDV covering other professional equipment have been issued with votes due 15 March. The US has protested the handling of this matter.

7) Draft 61000-4-28 - Power frequency immunity test: the CDV (77A/235/CDV) was approved in spite of 5 negative votes, one from the USA. An FDIS is in preparation.

8) Amend 61000-3-3 - Limits for voltage fluctuations for equipments drawing <16 A: The US made extensive comments on Document 77A/248A/CD.

9) Draft 61000-3-11 -Limits for voltage fluctuations and flicker (<75 A) (77A/249/CDV): The US cast a negative vote. *SC 77B HIGH FREQUENCY PHENOMENA

1) Amend 61000-4-2 - ESD Tests: a change is proposed in the wording of the degradation criteria. This proposal has been accepted and a CDV will be prepared. This will also be applied in other immunity testing standards.

2) Amend 61000-4-4 -Immunity to fast transients: Proposal to amend climatic conditions. A CDV will be prepared on this proposal and it alsowill be applied to other test procedures.

3) Amend 61000-4-3 -Immunity to electromagnetic fields: Proposal to amend the calibration procedure and the application of modulation. This proposal has been approved and a new task group has been established.


“The Managing Wireless Electromagnetic Compatibility in Healthcare Resource Manual” is available through the University of Oklahoma Wireless EMC Center at a cost of $100.00. The manual is a collection of articles on recent research activities in the area of electromagnetic compatibility in healthcare. It is designed to serve as a reference for administrators, medical professionals, biomedical-engineering personnel, and hospital personnel. (, or


Dr. Ralph M. Showers, Chairman (

Edwin L. Bronaugh, Vice-Chairman (

Patricia Gerdon, Secretary (

Donald N. Heirman, Chair SC-1 Techniques and Development (

Dr. J.L.Norman Violette, Chair SC-2 Terms and Definitions (

Art Wall, Chair SC-3 International Standardization (

Daniel D. Hoolihan, Chair SC-6 Accreditation/Conformity Assessment, and Chair SC-8 Medical Device EMC Test Methods (

Arthur Light, Chair SC-7 Unlicensed Personal Communication Service (

Janet O’Neil, Meeting Secretary (

Warren Kesselman, Treasurer/Newsletter Editor (