Accredited Standards Committee C63®


Education and Training Opportunities


ASC C63® has a long history of provided outstanding workshops that provide education and training on the use of its various standards.  These workshops are given by those most involved in their development and hence the attendees hear more background on how issues were resolved and how consensus was derived. 


Each workshop attendee gets a copy of the standard that is being addressed as well as an excellent set of slides which highlight the key features of the standard from its introduction to the annexes.  In addition all speakers are available throughout the workshop so that the attendees can ask questions not only during the presentations but during breaks and meal functions.  Finally, many of C63®’s standards are referenced in regulatory documents such as the FCC’s rules.  Many times representatives of the FCC are featured speakers where they can expand on why and how they reference the standard to determine regulatory compliance of products.  


Below is a list of past workshops that C63® has provided.  Most of them are still available either in a public offering or one provided in-plant to organizations that only want their employees or members to attend. 


C63® workshop Topics

(Availability dependent on speaker availability)






ANSI C63.4-2009 (Emission Measurements)

Two days

Comparison between ANSI C63.4 and CISPR 22

Half day

C63.5-2006 (Antenna Calibration)

One day

NEW:  C63.10-2009

2 days

C63.17 (Unlicensed Personal Communications Service (UPCS))

One day

ANSI C63.19 (Hearing Aid Immunity to Cell phones)

One day

Measurement Uncertainty

A day and a half

ISO/IEC 17025 (Test Lab Competency)

A day and a half



Other workshops on C63™ standards after publishing or major revisions

Depends on subject


We urge those considering requesting a workshop to do so with sufficient advance notice as to when they would need the training as the speakers we use either work for companies/organizations or are private consultants and hence need time to accommodate such training as their schedules permit.


Quotes for the workshops can be requested by sending an email to the Workshop Chairman, at