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Spectrum Etiquette


Subcommittee 7 develops standards addressing spectrum etiquette, wireless coexistence, and related technical fields to provide new or amended measurement techniques to support more efficient spectrum utilization. This scope includes areas related to coordinated or uncoordinated spectrum sharing schemes and dynamic spectrum access.


Links to Resources on Wireless Coexistence

The links below lead to webpages not associated with C63 and are only provided for informational and educational purposes. The views expressed in the linked content do not necessarily represent those of C63, and they may not match with the official interpretation or intent of language in published standards.  C63 does not assume any responsibility or liability for any information, communications, or materials available at such linked sites, or at any link contained in a linked site.

If you have a resource you’d like added to this list, please contact the SC7 Chair, Jason Coder. If you’d like to submit a formal interpretation request on the C63 standard(s) discussed in the linked content, please download and submit an interpretation request form from this page.